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VAYCOM is a company located in Beasain. Its team has an extensive track record in manufacturing and marketing industrial valves. Our valves are designed for different sectors, like the water sector (water treatment, wastewater, pumping stations, hydroelectric power stations, and dams), food industry, petrochemical industry, chemical industry and energy, among others.

Located in the Basque Country

We work with strategic partners to manufacture our valves. This is our hallmark, and is what primarily sets us apart from our competition. This way, we ensure the quality and control of all our manufacturing processes, thereby guaranteeing our clients’ satisfaction.

Process and partners

The main objective is to build client through service, flexibility, quality, innovation, a streamlined response and continuous support. VAYCOM’s strategic partners are proven and recognized in their industries, such as casting, machining, welding and other components.

David Bruna

Managing Director of VAYCOM. He is an Industrial Organization Engineer and has developed his career in different companies in the sector such as ORBINOX, S.A. (AVK GROUP), CMO VALVES, S.L. and Valvulas ZUBI, S.L., working in different areas of the company, carrying out different tasks at the management level. He has extensive knowledge of the different sectors, customers and suppliers. He is qualified as Project Manager Professional (PMP®) by the PMI Institute.

Javier González

He is the head of the commercial area of VAYCOM, with more than 20 years of experience in the commercial and project management areas.

Engineering Department

The Engineering Department is made up of people with extensive experience in the world of valves and fittings and companies in the sector. It has a certified Professional Project Manager (PMP®) in its ranks, which guarantees an optimal work methodology in project management, based on the Project Management Institute (PMI®) system. We also have the collaboration of our partners’ engineering companies, which also have a certified CAPM® in their engineering department, which allows us to adapt with total guarantee to the demands of our clients in any type of project required.